Thursday, October 30, 2008

why I might be the biggest loser....

I have a long list of annoyances in my life and my current one is this - I have had a personal trainer for seven weeks now and have gained 2 lbs. Bless her, she's everything a trainer is supposed to be, aggravatingly fit, perky, loves exercise, barks at me like a drill sergeant so whadup? And to add insult to injury, I have always been one of those bitter types who says things like, "oh yeah, it's easy to lose pregnancy weight when you are famous, have nothing better to do than obsess over eating and exercise and have a chef and a personal trainer". But now I have a personal trainer and pretty much my own chef and I am actually GETTING FATTER which can only mean one thing: celebrities may just be better than me...that's right, they may actually just have more self-discipline, be harder working and all round more committed. I think that may just be the worst news I have had in a long time.

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